I am an artist and author from New York City. Originally a self-taught painter and photo booth artist, my work has evolved from making zines to artists' books to graphic memoirs. My first book, UNRETOUCHABLE (Lerner / Graphic Universe) came out September 2022. I am currently working on my second book, BAD KID: MY LIFE AS A "TROUBLED TEEN" (Little Brown, Ink, forthcoming January 2026), a graphic memoir about my adolescence in and out of the troubled teen industry. A number of university libraries have added my work to their collections and my fine art has been shown in group and solo shows in New York City, Chicago, and Detroit. My illustrations have been featured in publications such as Sleek Magazine and Vice. I am also the illustrator for Whole Girl by Sadie Radinsky (Sounds True, Feb 2021). I now live in Massachusetts with my husband, two daughters, and our three-toothed Pomeranian named Breakfast (who also happens to be a meme).
JENNIFER WELTZ: jweltz@jvnla.com
My artists' books and zines are distributed by Booklyn.

2017 Bachelor of Arts, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York, NY
Szamosi, Sofia. Bad Kid: My Life as a "Troubled Teen". Little Brown, Ink, January 2026.
Szamosi, Sofia. Unretouchable. Graphic Universe / Lerner, 2022.
Russell, Jazmine, Bradley Lewis, and Alisha Ali, editors. Mad Studies Reader: Interdisciplinary Innovations in Mental Health. Routledge, 2024.
Radinsky, Sadie, et al. Whole Girl: Live Vibrantly, Love Your Entire Self, and Make Friends with Food. Sounds True, 2021.
Solo Exhibitions
2017 Smile, Bitch, Gallatin Galleries, New York, NY
2014 Eat Me, Open Source Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Group Exhibitions
2017 SOFT REBOOT, Proto Gallery, Hoboken, NJ
2017 Climate Action Conference, Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, New York, NY
2016 Doubly So, Center Galleries, Detroit, MI
2015 Twilight of the Idols, Proto Gallery, Hoboken, NJ
2015 Megadolon, Proto Gallery, Hoboken, NJ
2015 All You Can Be, Gallatin Galleries, New York, NY
2014 Group Show, Superchief Gallery, New York, NY
2014 Photobooth Art, International Photobooth Convention, Chicago, IL
2013 - 2017 Gallatin Arts Festival, Gallatin Galleries, New York, NY
2020 - Present Artist in Residence in Motherhood
2017 Gazell.io Digital Art House November Resident, Gazelli Art House, London, England
Grants & Awards
2017 The Gallatin Galleries Award for Exceptional Exhibition
2017 Gallatin Dean's Award for Graduating Seniors
2017 Léo Bronstein Homage Award for the Class of 2017
2016 Gallatin Writing Department Prize for Visual Art
2013 Herbert Rubin Prize for Excellence in Visual Art
Professional Activities
2015 - 2021 Freelance Illustrator for Vice, Sleek Magazine, Convicts, Loose Threads and more
2009 - 2012 Consultant to the Art Department, Odyssey House Center for Substance Abuse, New York, NY
some Institutional collectors of my zines & artists' books:
Amherst College
Baylor University
Bucknell University
Chapman University
Dartmouth College, Rauner Library
Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Emory University
Ohio University
Otis College of Art and Design
Reed College
Ringling School of Art and Design
San Diego State University
San Diego State University (SDSU)
Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
Savannah College of Arts & Design
Scripps College
Scripps College, Denison Library
St Olaf College
Swarthmore College
University of California at Irvine (UCI)
University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)
University of Central Florida
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Miami
University of Southern California
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Whitman College
Yale University, Beinecke Library
Yale University; Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library